Google the words "diaper bags" and you will find there is an endless amount of possibilities when it comes to finding one. From Wal-Mart's Sesame Street Mini Diaper Bag costing a meesly $9.49 to a Louis Vuitton Mini Lin costing a whopping $2040, there is an amazing range of bags out there for baby.
How to choose the right diaper bag is one of the most popular discussions among parents and moms-to-be. In a poll I made on I found that moms think that the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a diaper bag is space. One mom said, "I'm a pocket freak when it comes to my diaper bags. I have to have everything in its own little spot. I can't stand to throw stuff in a bag and have to dig for it." (nursemommy3) Those who didn't choose space as the most important went on to say that comfort was their number one because they had to be able to carry the bag everywhere they go without hurting their shoulers and backs. The look of the bag seemed to be on the bottom of the list but one mom to-be said that since her bags and purses are her "primary accessory" they need to "make a splash" against her wardrobe. (smphung)
The number of diaper bags or "baby bags" a parent needs is one of the many important questions that are discussed. I believe that the number really depends on a family's lifestyle. Do you go on long outings? Do you do overnight stays very often? Do you take baby everywhere you go? Does each parent want their own bag? Some families may only need two bags, some three, some may need up to five. I will explain.
Bag #1 : A medium size bag that can carry diapers, wipes, a changing pad, bottles, formula, snack, diaper creme, bibs, pacifiers, burpclothes, a toy or two, and an extra pair of clothes. This bag would be used for mall trips, day-long social gatherings, and other trips that could last longer than just a couple of hours.
Bag #2: A small size bag that carries only the neccessities: diapers, wipes, a pre-mixed bottle, and perhaps a bib or cloth. This bag would be used for quickie trips to the store, a dinner out, or some other event that only lasts up to two hours or less.
Bag #3: A Large over night bag that carries all the basics plus extras: diapers, wipes, a changing pad, bottles, formula, food, diaper creme, bibs, pacifiers, burpclothes, a toys, extra clothes, blankets, medication, sunblock, hats, etc.
Bag #4: A medium sized bag for the trunk. This is a back up bag just incase you forget or run out of something or perhaps a trip runs longer than expected. Extra diapers, wipes, clean bottles, and clothes would be good items for this bag.
Bag#5: A small to medium Daddy bag. Dad may require his own bag for when he and baby are doing outings alone. He may not want to carry the adorable ribbon adorned bag that mom loves so much. For dad, packing the essentials is probably all that is needed. He may get overwhelmed trying to find wipies in a sea of creams and powders and such.
Here are some great bags
The Vera Bradley "Baby Bag"

The Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack
The Skip Hop Uptown Duo
found for $53.99 at Net Shop Stores
The Foo Goo Sporty Diaper Bag by Thermos
$14. 95
The Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Cameo Clutch
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