Although I haven't sent Jonathan out at two a.m. for oreos and pickles, yet, I have had my share of cravings. In the first trimester all I wanted was tomato sauce. I ate tomato soup, spaghetti, bread sticks with marinara, vegetable soup, and sliced tomato. One day I made toast and heated up some spaghetti sauce for dipping. It went from there to peanut butter. (Although there was the random mustard sandwich packed in there somewhere) Honey and pb sandwiches, pb and pear sandwiches, spoonfuls of pb, and pb and chocolate syrup on grahams and bananas were on the menu for weeks. Then heartburn set in. After fullfilling my peanut butter and tomato cravings I went on a tums and milk binge that I haven't quite gotten out of yet. Coming into my third trimester I seem to be hooked on sweets. Weekly trips to Bruster's for Chocolate Rasberry Truffle ice cream have become a ritual. They give out doggy ice cream treats too so we get to make it a family event! Our dog, Jack, woofs that stuff down in ten seconds flat and then stares at ours until we break down and give him a piece of waffle cone.
Although I have succombed to these cravings you can be assured that Jareth isn't going to come out a peanut butter covered tomato with a rasberry swirl. I've been eating pretty healthy. My diet mostly consists of oatmeal, eggs, cheerios, steamed veggies, chicken, fruit, cheese, V8 juice, milk, and an enormous amount of water. Jon comes home every day inquiring about my food intake and tells me what out of the basic food group I am lacking. Then he usually shoves V8 and more water down my throat. He's a good papa.
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