Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Birth Plan

My OB encourages her patients to come up with birth plans which layout how they would like to see their labor and delivery go.

The Birth Plan of Heather Anderson
I understand that some or all of my wishes may not be met either due to hospital policy, complications with the labor and delivery, or complications with the baby. However, I hope to have a non-induced, vaginal delivery without the use of an epidural, narcotics, or an IV line. I wish to have skin-to-skin contact with my baby as soon as he is delivered and wish to breastfeed exclusively.

During Labor
If possible and there is no threat of a Cesarean Section, I would like to stay hydrated by being allowed to drink/eat ice chips during labor
I prefer not to have my labor augmented unless it is medically necessary
I would like for my baby's heart to be monitored intermittently so that I may be mobile
I only want pain medication if I request it and do not want it offered it to me
I do not wish to be administered pitocin
I am prepared to manage my pain using breathing techniques, massage, and hot and cold compresses.
During the first stage of labor I would like to use the Jacuzzi tub offered by the hospital.

During Delivery
I would like my spouse Jonathan, my mother Lisa Snell, and my aunt Dana Campbell to be in the room during the delivery with my spouse as my primary support person.
I prefer the use of perinea massage, warm compresses, and positioning instead of an episiotomy and only wish to have one performed as a last result. Use of local anesthetic is okay.
When pushing, I'd like to be semi-reclining, using people for leg support. Also, I would like to be directed by my doctor as to when I should push and for how long.
If a cesarean becomes necessary I would like to be conscious with my partner with me at all times. If possible I would like to watch the baby come out. When he is born I would like to be able to see him as soon as possible.

After the Delivery
I prefer to have the baby placed on my chest as soon as he is born, before eye antibiotic is applied and be suctioned and rubbed down while he is with me
My spouse would like to cut the umbilical cord after it has stopped pulsing
I wish to bond with my baby using skin to skin contact as soon and as much as possible
I would like someone other than my spouse to deliver the news that the baby has been born to awaiting guests so that he may remain with me and the baby
I would like my baby's medical exam to be performed in my presence after I have had the chance to hold him
I wish to breastfeed as soon as possible after he is born
I want my baby circumcised with the use of a local anesthetic and if possible in my spouse's presence
I would like family members to be permitted into my room upon my request and only a few at a time after delivery

I plan to exclusively breastfeed my baby and would appreciate the help of a lactation specialist
Please do not offer my baby any of the following unless it is medically necessary:
Bottle Formula Sugar water Pacifier
I'd like my baby to be in my room 24 hours unless I ask for him to be taken out so that I can rest

If my baby is not well, it is important to us that:
My spouse accompany the baby to the NICU or another facility and be allowed to visit him often
While he is in the NICU I wish to breastfeed or provide expressed breast milk
Thank you so much for your care and support!

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