Meet the Next What to Expect Star of the Month!
"So I'm drying off after a shower and look at my belly in the mirror and get all warm and fuzzy about the life that I am growing inside me. Then I take a peek at the back: 'What is that on my caboose? Please tell me that someone drew a little squiggly line on my hiney with a purple pen in the middle of the night.'
Nope, it's definitely my first stretch mark. After mountains of Palmer's along with other elasticity-promising lotions, it finally happened. The sad part is that it is most likely only the beginning. I knew it would happen but hoped it wouldn't creep up on me until the last few weeks of pregnancy, like some of the other women I have spoken to. But with an extra 17 pounds on my relatively small frame, my skin just couldn't accommodate. I still have 14 weeks to go until my due date. That's a lot of time to gain more weight and accumulate more of these purple lines on my tush. I just hope they stay on my tush. Stay away from the belly you pesky bikini-haters! My new resolution is not to look at my rear in the mirror anymore. In her book, Belly Laughs, Jenny McCarthy warns about this. But I didn't heed her advice. No pregnant lady should ever look at her rear end in a full-length mirror. Unless you are a supermodel, of course. Those pregnant supermodels should be force-fed doughnuts every day."
Who's the funny lady behind the post? Get to know Heather here:
Which cast member are you most looking forward to seeing in the What to Expect movie?
I’m really excited to see all the ladies in the film work together. As a fan of My Sister’s Keeper, Vanilla Sky, andThe Sweetest Thing, I’m especially excited to see Cameron Diaz in her role. I know she will play the mom part with humor.
Which storyline can you relate to the most?
I feel like I can relate to both J.Lo’s and Elizabeth Banks’s characters. I had a hard time conceiving after experiencing a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. We were contemplating adoption and talking about fertility treatments when we surprisingly conceived our son. After I got pregnant I had it all planned out. No pacifiers, no bottles, a natural birth, etc. Well that all went out the window when delivery day arrived! I was induced and two hours in I begged for the epidural.
Will you plan a special night out to see the movie in May?
I plan to have a girls’ night out! I’m pregnant now and the baby is due in March, so May will be the perfect time to get my girlfriends together for dinner and a movie!
What about your romance with your partner is made for the movies?
My husband and I are high-school sweethearts. We were 14 and 15 when we started dating in a very small town. I followed him to college and we got married after graduating. We basically grew up together.
What are your favorite romantic comedy flicks?
Romantic comedies are great. You have to have humor in a relationship or it just doesn’t work. One of my favorite romantic comedies is How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. I also love The Sweetest Thing, which stars What to Expect’s own Cameron Diaz.
What about your pregnancy has been film-worthy?
Well, we are finding out today whether we are having a boy or a girl in a very special way. This morning I had the ultrasound tech seal the gender in an envelope. I’m taking it to a party store to have them open the envelope after I leave and put either blue or pink helium balloons in a sealed box. Then we are going to a field with a photographer and opening the box. I think that’s pretty film-worthy.
Which celebrity mom do you hope you’re most like once you’re a parent?
Jennifer Lopez seems to be doing it right. I rarely see her kids in the news, and when I do it’s quite apparent that she’s protective of them.
When did you know you were ready to become a mom?
When did I not know is the real question! I’ve always wanted to be a mom; it’s what I’m meant for. By the time I was nineteen I had a timeline all planned out. It showed when I was going to get married, graduate from college, buy a house, and have kids. Each milestone had a cute icon with the date I planned it to happen.
If you could ask any of the WTE movie cast members one question, what would you want to know?
I want to ask Joe Manganiello if he would be so kind as to send an autographed photo to my sister. She’s sort of in love with him.
Which cast member do you think you could be mommy friends with?
I think I could be good friends with Anna Kendrick. We are the same age, we both like theater, and she seems very down to earth. I mean the fact that I love Twilight has nothing to do with it.Stay tuned for the next giveaway and a chance to become November's Star of the Month!
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