Thursday, September 29, 2011
It's a Girl!
Here's the story! On wednesday I went to the doctor and ended up having an ultrasound. I'm only fifteen weeks but the tech said she could most likely tell the gender of the baby. I knew I wanted to do the balloon reveal so I told her if she could be certain I wanted her to seal up the answer in an envelope so I couldn't see it. She took a look and I covered my eyes and she said she was 99% sure. So I went with it! After the visit I took the envelope to Party City and asked them to open it after I left and put either blue or pink balloons in a box and seal it up. This morning we had Brittany Toomey, photographer and friend, meet us at World's Fair Park. She took photos as we opened the box and found out we are going to be blessed with a daughter. It was so special and I will never forget it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Birth Plan
I guess I should start thinking about how I want to have this baby. With J, I thought I had it all figured out. But when it came down to d-day everything went opposite. I had wanted a natural birth for Jareth, no epidural and absolutely no induction. So much for that. When I went to my last appt I was so ready for my baby to be here and I was so miserably pregnant that all my planning went out the window at the mention of the word "induce." And after my pitocin was started and my water was broken and I was very quickly at 6cm I decided I'd much rather do this without all the pain. I lasted a whole 2 1/2 hrs without an epi. Jareth was here about 3 hrs later. And all I felt was the pure joy and excitement of bringing my son into this world.
I think this time around I would like to hold off on the induction. I would like to feel what it's like to go into labor naturally. But I will most likely get the epidural. I don't want it immediately because once you get it there is no getting up and doing things like going to the bathroom on your own, but eventually I do plan to get it. It was wonderful to munch on ice chips while watching the monitor and saying "oh, I'm having another contraction!" instead of "oh my god, oh my god, I'm never doing this again!!!" And it was wonderful not to feel that episiotomy. I also think Jon was relieved when I got the epidural too. I was a little bit of a mess.
Last time Jon, my mom, and my aunt were all in the room when the baby was born. I don't really have a preference on who is there and who isn't. I know it would be nice to just share the birth with my husband but my family was super supportive. Plus, I had people there to take photos and share the excitement with. It was a really good experience.
Other things. I'm definitely breast feeding again and I want to hold the baby as soon as she/he is born assuming there are no complications. I want to spend time with just the baby, Jon, and Jareth as soon as they say it's okay to let him come in to visit. I want to see the placenta this time. And again, no pacifiers or bottles! The baby needs to get used to me before anything else. I will change one thing, the amount of people I let visit at one time. I got a little overwhelmed at being stared out for the hours leading up to and after having the baby last time. Everyone wanted to be in the room and I thought I wanted them to be in there too but it was a little bit too much at one time. I think 3 visitors at the most is good.
I'm only 15 weeks along and don't even know if we are having a boy or girl this time around so my feelings may change in the next 25 weeks. But, I'm glad I'm already thinking about this stuff. And I'm glad I don't have a big list of do's and don'ts this time around. least not yet : )
I think this time around I would like to hold off on the induction. I would like to feel what it's like to go into labor naturally. But I will most likely get the epidural. I don't want it immediately because once you get it there is no getting up and doing things like going to the bathroom on your own, but eventually I do plan to get it. It was wonderful to munch on ice chips while watching the monitor and saying "oh, I'm having another contraction!" instead of "oh my god, oh my god, I'm never doing this again!!!" And it was wonderful not to feel that episiotomy. I also think Jon was relieved when I got the epidural too. I was a little bit of a mess.
Last time Jon, my mom, and my aunt were all in the room when the baby was born. I don't really have a preference on who is there and who isn't. I know it would be nice to just share the birth with my husband but my family was super supportive. Plus, I had people there to take photos and share the excitement with. It was a really good experience.
Other things. I'm definitely breast feeding again and I want to hold the baby as soon as she/he is born assuming there are no complications. I want to spend time with just the baby, Jon, and Jareth as soon as they say it's okay to let him come in to visit. I want to see the placenta this time. And again, no pacifiers or bottles! The baby needs to get used to me before anything else. I will change one thing, the amount of people I let visit at one time. I got a little overwhelmed at being stared out for the hours leading up to and after having the baby last time. Everyone wanted to be in the room and I thought I wanted them to be in there too but it was a little bit too much at one time. I think 3 visitors at the most is good.
I'm only 15 weeks along and don't even know if we are having a boy or girl this time around so my feelings may change in the next 25 weeks. But, I'm glad I'm already thinking about this stuff. And I'm glad I don't have a big list of do's and don'ts this time around. least not yet : )
Monday, September 19, 2011
We want you to vote!
Will Jareth get a baby brother or sister this spring? We hope to find out soon so tell us what you think!
Choose your answer to the right ------------->
Choose your answer to the right ------------->
"Every Pregnancy is Different"
I've heard it since I got pregnant with Jareth. Most women will tell you that each of their pregnancies have differed in one way or another and it's completely normal. Well this momma's second pregnancy is nothing like the first. With Jareth I had nausea for about a week I think. My skin was beautiful, my hair was thick and gorgeous, and I was pretty much all belly. I didn't gain weight until my second trimester. This time its just the opposite. I've already gained 6 lbs and I just look fat. I started wearing maternity jeans two weeks ago! Also, I'm breaking out like a 14 yr old and my hair is super dry. Oh, and I've been sooo nauseas! It's been awful. Let's just say I'm not exactly "glowing" this time around.
Part of me is hoping that these differences mean a girl is on the way. I've heard before that "boys give beauty and girl's take it away." I've had several dreams that we are having a girl and the baby's heartrate is much faster than Jareth's was which they say also means girl. But recently I had a dream that we were having a boy. Either way it will be great but I admit I would like one of each. Plus the chinese gender predictor says I should be having a girl. Hopefully we will find out next wednesday if they decide to do an ultrasound.
Although the symptoms are different this time around the feelings are the same. We are so happy to be blessed with another baby. We can't wait to find out if we are gaining another son or a daughter. Then the name game begins! By the way we are taking suggestions!
Part of me is hoping that these differences mean a girl is on the way. I've heard before that "boys give beauty and girl's take it away." I've had several dreams that we are having a girl and the baby's heartrate is much faster than Jareth's was which they say also means girl. But recently I had a dream that we were having a boy. Either way it will be great but I admit I would like one of each. Plus the chinese gender predictor says I should be having a girl. Hopefully we will find out next wednesday if they decide to do an ultrasound.
Although the symptoms are different this time around the feelings are the same. We are so happy to be blessed with another baby. We can't wait to find out if we are gaining another son or a daughter. Then the name game begins! By the way we are taking suggestions!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Here we go again!
That's right! Jareth is going to have a bouncing baby sister or brother this spring! We are 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My due date is March 19th. We are so excited! Our families and several friends know but we aren't planning to tell every one else until the second trimester which starts Sunday. I'm busting at the seams to tell the world; I've known since we were just 4 weeks along. I figure going ahead and posting it on here is pretty safe. I rarely write here anymore so I'm sure no one will be reading this before Sunday. Here's to another happy and healthy pregnancy!
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