Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nursery Pics

We don't have the baby bedding yet, the blanket in the photo is the one I made for the craddle. I will post the bedding when it's finished.
Inspiration for the flowers came from the garden scene in Alice in Wonderland.
Pinterest taught me how to make them : )

My grandfather made this changing table. My little cousins got to use it first, then Jareth, and now Laney. I love it. I still want to get a new diaper pad cover. I registered for a pretty one so I'm waiting to see if I get it. The white one just doesn't stand out. I'm also thinking about weaving ribbon in the slats for bows.

I just love these Alice in Wonderland watercolors. I found them on ETSY. One of my favorite places to shop! They turned out so pretty!

I think I'm going to put one of Laney's newborn photos above the key. So that space will eventually be filled. I made the little "L" onesie! It has ruffles on the butt. I'm planning to get some little leggings and use this as her coming home outfit. Can't wait!
I had this pillow made by RockLovenStiches. It's hard to see but the black images on the purple fabric are Alice in Wonderland themed. So cute! I made the little owl out of some scrap fabric. It still needs eyes.

I spray painted this antique table silver and added little black scroll stick ons. I think I'm going to put a little tea set on it. I found a few Alice in Wonderland themed sets that would go well with the room.

That's it so far. Less than six weeks for Laney to get here! Still a few things to do but now we are defintely in countdown mode!

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