Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creating an Adorable Nursery while Saving Some Money

Decorating a nursery is so much fun! There are so many themes and style options out there that it actually can be a little overwhelming. Outside of a few baskets and new cushions for the glider, ours is finally finished! Jareth officially has his own room now to come home to.

When we found out we were having a boy we immediately started talking about the nursery. Our guest bedroom was already painted blue so we didn't have to paint. I knew I wanted something sweet and baby-ish, I mean it is a nursery, but I didn't want cartoon characters or a blanket of pastels. I asked my husband, Jon, what he had in mind. He said monkeys would be cute. I didn't really want just monkeys all over the room so we compromised and went with jungle animals. After doing some online research I found a cool and modern jungle themed set. Its main colors are chocolate brown, orange, teal blue, and green. The bumper and blanket has big lions, giraffes, monkeys, and elephants on it. The set went for $200.00 at Babies R Us, but I found it at for $164.00. I am very pleased with the purchase. The fabric is great. It isn't too heavy but it is super soft with velvet and cordouroy on it.

Other things we bought for the room was the convertible crib (craigslist $75), a shelving unit with baskets (ABC Distributing $60), a sheer white misquito net to go over the crib (Ikea $20),and a vinyl wall decal in the shape of a big tree (etsy $64). The diaper changing table was built by my grandfather for my cousins and passed on to me and the cradle, also made by my grandfather, was mine when I was born. Also, my parents gave me a pretty, white glider that they had bought when my nephew was born. So, for roughly $380 we completely decorated our nursery. And I must say it is pretty darn cute.

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