For our seventh anniversary Jonathan surprised me with a wonderful night out. He took me to Nashville where we stayed at the Union Station Hotel, ate at Verago, and had a couple's massage. It was amazing. It was also my first night away from Laney bug.
On our way home the next day I started feeling bad. I had been kind of off for a few days and I was about two weeks late. However, I had only had one period since having Laney and I was on birth control so I thought my hormones were just getting back to normal. We decided it was best to take a pregnancy test just to ease our minds. I just knew it was going to be negative. The month prior I had taken one because I was feeling a bit off and it had been negative and then I had my first period. I really didn't think I was pregnant. I was on birth control! Then, the little plus sign appeared.
I had to convince Jon that I wasn't joking and show him the test. To say we were surprised is an understatement! The very next day I was able to get an appointment with a new OB here in Cookeville. They confirmed what we already knew and I got to see a little flicker of the heart that is growing inside of me. No matter how many times you've been through pregnancy, seeing or hearing that first heartbeat will always be an amazing experience. That's when you truly fall in love.
I have to say that we honestly thought we were done having kids. We had been planning to take permanent measurements to prevent another pregnancy but we wanted to make sure we were certain. Apparently we waited too long! Apparently there were better plans in store for us. We call this one our "love child."
I'm definitely a little nervous about having a third child. I worry about changing up our routine, making sure everyone gets the attention they deserve, and of course my sanity. I get nervous about how I'm going to go grocery shopping with three kids and how we will do vacation. I worry about the kids having to share a room and I imagine the house will never be clean. I worry about a lot of things. I guess I did with each pregnancy. But you know what? I think it's going to be quite an adventure. We have so much support from our families and we are in a great place in our lives. I know we will do just fine, better than fine. Just think of all the wonderful grandbabies I will have one day! Our table will be full and that makes me happiest of all.